Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day!!!

Wow, lots on my mind this morning.
First, eternally grateful to all veterans! We are so blessed in this country. Our beginnings are sincere. We wanted independence, the right to exist for who we are and to be free to express ourselves. My life is full of gratitude for all of my experiences. I continue to grow and become the whole being God created me to become. This freedom I have did not come without the sacrifices of many in my immediate family and human family. I recognize this and give respect. I know many have died so that I could live, including my brother, Jesus. I am grateful Lord!!! and looking forward to showing much more compassion this holiday season.

I'm praying for the victims in the Penn State Sex Scandal. I had to stop reading the indictment. I am so hurt that so many grown men with the power to stop it, did nothing, and actually tried to minimize it. One of my favorite Martin Luther King quotes is about the greatest injustice of oppression is those who do nothing. Satin loves it when we allow bad things to happen to people and justify it with, it's not our fault. No, it's not our fault, but it is our responsibility to stop the victimization of any human being, especially children! I keep praying for myself on this one, because I have a tendancy to get angry. I don't want to hate Penn State, but I'm having a hard time forgiving right now.

Forgiveness has been one of my greatest challenges. I watched the documentary on Joe Frazier and Muhammed Ali. Ali said and did a lot of things that were unjustified and crossed the lines. It made it especially difficult because of the way race plays so much a part of our actions. I can understand how much this pained Joe Frazier. It was untrue and unwarranted. As I look back now, I realize how much of a champion he truly was. He held his ground despite how he appeared in the court of public opinion. I admire that. It's easy to smile when everything is going alright, but when you can still smile in the face of adversity, that's courage! I fear Smoking Joe never truly forgave Ali and carried that pain to his grave. I wonder how God handles that. I know for me, I've released myself from carrying the pain of old wounds caused by people. It's liberated me and made me wiser. I think that's a great lesson for all of us.

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